CCS Mini Oil & Solvent

CCS Mini Oil & Solvent

Regular price $29.20 USD Sale price $15.95 USD

Try the Chelsea Classical Studio™ system of Linseed Oil and Lavender Spike Oil Essence.

Includes the following:

1oz CCS Linseed Oil Pale Cold-Pressed™

1oz CCS Lavender Spike Oil Essence™

CCS Linseed Oil Pale Cold-Pressed™
The palest, cleanest pure linseed oil available to artists; washed and cleaned by natural processes. Won't darken like other linseed oils; washed and filtered to remove impurities for improved acidity and drying time.

CCS Lavender Spike Oil Essence™
Historic Renaissance solvent that thins oil paints, painting mediums, and varnishes.
Lavender scented solvent used as an alternative to turpentine and odorless petroleum mineral spirits that can cause chronic health issues.

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